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In less than 12 months since Local Independent Sea Anglers (LISA) launched the ANLRS with the support of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative, it has established a viable route to fishing line recycling in the UK.

The ANLRS is a volunteer led, donation funded, not for profit organisation.

Mission Statement

  • Continue to build the national network of recycling points at retailers, fisheries, public access seavenues and charter boats.

  • Investigate methods of line collection to engage all angling disciplines.

  • Continue engagement with the line / tackle manufacturers and distributors to increase their involvement / support of the scheme

  • Work with manufacturers to fully understand and be able to recycle specialist fly lines

  • Continue to develop the logistics, storage and distribution network for line to be recycled.

  • Identify and engage with potential UK recyclers for use of the material.

  • Identify and engage with potential UK recyclers for the hard plastic spools line is supplied on and, in time, other single use plastics in the trade.

  • Research and development into practical products made from recycled fishing line that are either tools to promote the ease of storing used or recovered line or products that are angling related. The goal would be that these products are equally able to be recycled at the end of their ‘life’.

  • Work to engage with as many organisations* as possible to recover discarded or redundant line in both the marine and freshwater environments.

  • Set up the ANLRS National volunteer scheme - this would involve individuals who will assist in events, beach cleans, work land side with Sub Aqua Clubs and assist in cleaning down and transportation of recovered line for recycling purposes.

  • Expand attendance at angling and related shows/conferences to engage with grass root anglers

This plan is intended to give a clear indication of the areas where financial or resources support will be required to engage within the sport itself be they Trade Suppliers / Organisations, Angling Clubs and their representative organisations but also potential grant funders and Government agencies.

This is indeed an ambitious growth plan for the coming years but th ANLRS has identified that there are sufficient volumes of good quality monofilament nylon in the UK to support commercial interests in the project and also for the success recycling of other products used in the angling world.

This is indeed an ambitious growth plan for the coming years but th ANLRS has identified that there are sufficient volumes of good quality monofilament nylon in the UK to support commercial interests in the project and also for the success recycling of other products used in the angling world.



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